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Showing posts from April, 2021

Motivational quote

“To make something special you just have to believe it’s special”  

Good morning quote

“Be happy. Good morning”  

Love quote

“Even if we’re apart. I’ll always be with you”  

Motivational quote

“Live laugh sing & be happy”  

Motivational quote

“The earth has music for those who listen”  

Love quote

“Share love not hate”  

Inspiration quote

“Write without fear. Edit without mercy”  

Motivational quote

“You will be okay. You have no choice”  

Inspiration quote

“Don’t give up”  

Motivational quote

“This is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time”  

Inspiration quote

“A woman’s life story”  

Good morning quote

“Good morning”  

Motivational quote

“Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Be nice to yourself. Laugh every day. Love deeply”  

Motivational quote

“Be loud about the things that are important to you”  

Good morning quote

“Be the reason someone smiles today. Good morning”  

Motivational quote

“I can”  

Inspiration quote

“Success doesn’t just come and find you, you have to go out and get it”  

Inspiration quote

“God never allows pain without a purpose”

Love quote

“Love is a real happiness”  

Love quote

“Happiness is a piece of cake”  

Good morning quote

“Do important things now before they become urgent. Good morning”  

Attitude quote

“I’m not the kind of girl you can call when you’re lonely”  

Good morning quote

“Keep smiling and carry on. Good morning”  

Inspiration quote

“Wake me up when I’m famous”  

Love quote

“I love you”  

Good morning quote

“You are off to great places. Today is yours day. Good morning”  

Motivational quote

“Never lose hope”  

Love quote

“There is not a word in the dictionary to describe how i feel about you”  

Motivational quote

“Worry weighs a person down. An encouraging word cheers a person up”  

Good morning quote

“Make today tolerable. Good morning”

Covid-19 quote

“Stay at home”  

Love quote

“Love win”  

Motivational quote

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uniformed. If you do read them, you are misinformed”  

Inspiration quote

“Don’t be the same. Be better”  

Love quote

“Will you be mine? You make me happy”  

Love quote

“Always look on the bright side of life”  

Motivational quote

“Enjoy the little things”  

Motivational quote

“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today”  

Motivational quote

“Nothing is impossible only improbable”  

Inspiration quote

“A degree is not a sign of intelligence. But a good memory”  

Covid-19 quote

“Home is where the heart is. Stay home stay safe”  

Inspiration quote

“Sleep less and dreams more”  

Love quote

“Be brave. Be bold. Be beautiful. Be you”  

Inspiration quote

“Never stop dreaming”  

Love quote

“Everything has beauty. But not everyone can see it”  

Motivational quote

“You are more than your disease”  

Motivational quote

“I’m going to succeed because I’m crazy enough to think i can”  

Good morning quote

“Coffee is always a good idea. Good morning”  

Inspiration quote

“Make the world a pretty place”  

Love quote

“I am like a fish in love with a bird wishing I could fly”